James Nixon – Physiotherapist Brighton & Sussex

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[av_testimonial_single src=’1882′ name=’James Nixon’ subtitle=’Senior Physiotherapist’ link=’http://’ linktext=”]
James Nixon is a qualified physio with experience in both the NHS and the community. He has expertise across a wide variety of specialities which include cardiac rehab, musculoskeletal outpatients, ITU and respiratory, elderly rehab and neurology.

Cardiac Rehab Exercise

Since qualifying from Cardiff University James has worked for Brighton and Sussex University NHS Trust as a senior physiotherapist. He spent much time in the NHS cardiac rehab service, and his patients in the hospital rehab service include those with all types of heart event. James also has many years of community cardiac rehab experience. He hopes to continue to use his knowledge and skill to help clients keep their motivation in cardiac rehabilitation in the community.

James is registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) and the Chartered Society of Physiotherapists (CSP).  Jim has recently become an orthapaedics clinical lead based in Mid-Sussex.

Outside of Work…

James has a number of other physiotherapy interests. He regularly works pitch side for a local rugby team and also leads hydrotherapy and gym classes for ankylosing spondylitis. He is always very energetic and is well known for joining in with the exercise alongside the class members!




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